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Independent non-profit making body to stimulate fiscal debate for the greater good

About Us

The Foundation aims to make a positive contribution to inform policies and activities which address the major fiscal, economic and societal issues and opportunities we face in Ireland, reflecting the global environment in which we operate.  In particular, we aim to ensure that broader societal outcomes and objectives are reflected in the dialogue related to fiscal and economic matters.

2023 MHOB Prize Finalists

The Foundation for Fiscal Studies presents the annual Miriam Hederman O’Brien Prize to recognise outstanding contributions  in the area of Irish fiscal, economic and social policy.

We are delighted to share with you the list of finalists for this year’s Miriam Hederman O’Brien prize.

Please visit the MHOB Prize page for full details.

Event Mailing List


The Council invites all who are interested in the objectives outlined on this website, and who are interested in being notified about upcoming events to join the Foundation mailing list.

Contact Us

Foundation For Fiscal Studies
c/o Irish Tax Institute
Longboat Quay
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 6631700
Fax: +353 1 6688387
Email: info@fiscal.ie

RCN: 20013400