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Annual Miriam Hederman O’Brien Prize

The Foundation for Fiscal Studies presents the annual Miriam Hederman O’Brien Prize to recognise outstanding contributors in the area of Irish fiscal, economic and social policy. The aim is to recognise those whose work contributes to  informed discussion of key fiscal, economic and social policy issues.


Each year, nominations are invited for work that has added to the public knowledge or understanding in areas such as taxation, public expenditure and other related fiscal policy topics. The Prize aims to recognise work that focuses on practical problems rather than abstract puzzles, that raise questions about how policy impacts and might improve outcomes, or shed light on issues that really matter to the future of Ireland as a society as well as an economy.



We are delighted to share with you the list of finalists for this year’s Miriam Hederman O’Brien prize. Please feel free to click on each title in order to access the material.




The Report of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare

Members and Secretariat



The SAFE-PSC-MyGovID Framework for Public Service Identity Management

Ciaran Judge, Ita McGennis

Impact of Demographic Change on Health Expenditure

Clara Lindberg, Tiago McCarthy



The Potential Costs and Distributional Effect of COVID-19

Keelin Byrne, Karina Doorley, Mark Regan, Barra Roantree, Dora Ruda – ESRI

The Development of a Nowcasting Methodology to Quantify the Distributional Effect of the Pandemic

Cathal O’Donoghue, John McHale – NUIG, Denis M Sologan, Iryna Kyzyma



The Economic and Distributional Impacts of an Increased Carbon Tax with Different Revenue Recycling Schemes

Kelly De Bruin, Aykut Mert Yakut



Patterns of Firm Level Productivity in Ireland

Javier Papa, Luke Rehill, Brendan O’Connor

Lifting the Lid: The Private Financing of Motorway PPPs in Ireland

Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves, Anne Stafford



Supporting Pension Contributions Through the Tax System: Outcomes, Costs and Examining Reform

Micheál Collins, Gerard Hughes



Modelling Higher Education Financing Reform for Ireland

Bruce Chapman, Aedin Doris



The Financial Crisis in Ireland and Government Revenues

Rónán Hickey, Diarmaid Smyth – Central Bank of Ireland



Effective Rates of Corporation Tax in Ireland

Seamus Coffey, Kate Levey



Network Social Capital and Labour Market Outcomes – Evidence for Irish Fiscal and Labour Market Policy

Gerard Brady – IBEC